Friday, March 23, 2007

Grand Pappy

Did today's Jonathan Papelbon news grab your attention?

If you already held your draft and picked up young Paps, a so-so starting pitcher on your roster just turned into a lights-out closer just in the blink of an eye. We already know the background: elite rookie closer gets converted into middle-of-the-rotation starter in his second year in an effort to save a problematic shoulder. The idea behind Boston's grand experiment was to save Papelbon from the erratic nature of the bullpen and give him an every-fifth-day routine so the Sox could better control his innings and perhaps save him from potential injury. So much for that plan.

We don't exactly know what spurred this move. The Sox were pretty steadfast about keeping Papelbon in the rotation, even though there was never any definitive proof that starting would be better for the kid's health. Apparently Papelbon requested the move, and perhaps the recent injury to Mike Timlin and the uncertainty surrounding Joel Piniero made the decision a little easier for Theo and the braintrust.

Anyway, I already had Papelbon pegged as a potential bust, but you can scratch that idea. Even with the health issues he experienced at the end of the year, he's still one of the top closers available, probably in the top 5. If you still haven't drafted, treat him as such, and if you already have him on your team, congratulations, you lucky dog.

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